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Avoid Liver Transplant With Alternative Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Liver Disease

Avoid Liver Transplant With Alternative Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Liver Disease


The Liver is an important and the largest organ of the body which performs many functions. Mainly the liver regulates chemical levels in the blood, filters all blood in the body, produces bile and converts excess glucose into glycogen storage. The liver also helps in the detoxification of harmful products, production of clotting factors and excretion of bile. When the functions of the liver deteriorate progressively, it leads to a condition of chronic liver disease. When the deterioration of liver functions continues for more than six months, it leads to the condition of chronic liver disease. Here, in this article, we are going to study in detail about chronic liver disease. Let’s start!

Avoid Liver Transplant With Alternative Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Liver Disease


Chronic liver disease is a condition of progressive deterioration of liver functions which includes the excretion of bile, formation of clotting factors, proteins and detoxification of harmful products formed from the metabolism process. The condition is said to be chronic liver disease when all these functions deteriorate for more than six months. Several factors are responsible for chronic liver disease which includes alcohol abuse, genetics and many more factors. Chronic liver disease is a continuous process of deterioration which leads to fibrosis and cirrhosis by inflammation, destruction and regeneration of liver parenchyma. Cirrhosis of the liver is the final stage of chronic liver disease in which the liver structure becomes nodular and there is a disruption of the normal structure of the liver. The condition of chronic liver disease is very common these days. Now, let’s start a detailed study about the causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, diets, home remedies, Ayurvedic overview and Ayurvedic management of chronic liver disease. Also, we take a look at Ayurvedic herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda for chronic liver i.e. Liver Care Pack (double strength).


The causes of chronic liver disease can be different in different people. Some of the common causes that are responsible for chronic liver diseases are as follows:

  • Alcohol abuse
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Viral infections like Hepatitis B or C
  • Obesity
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Use of certain medicines
  • Genetic diseases like Wilson’s disease


Chronic liver disease is a long-term condition in which scarring of liver tissues takes place. This condition causes defects in the normal functioning of the liver. Here, are common signs of chronic liver disease:

  • Jaundice
  • Ascites
  • Generalised weakness


There are various symptoms of chronic liver disease. Symptoms of Chronic Liver disease may vary from patient to patient according to the severity of the condition. Some of the common symptoms of chronic liver disease are as follows:

  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle loss
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Yellowing of skin and eyes (Jaundice)
  • Fluid buildup in the belly (ascites)
  • Edema on legs
  • Blackish stools
  • Bruising
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Fatigue
  • Darkening urine


Diagnosis of chronic liver disease can be done by taking proper history, medical history and other diagnostic tests. Here, are some of the diagnostic tests used for the diagnosis of chronic liver diseases:

  • Blood tests including liver function tests
  • Ultrasonography (USG)
  • Computed tomography (CT scan)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Liver Biopsy


Chronic Liver Disease is a condition in which Liver cells are damaged with time. It is very common these days. This condition is a very common health issue and a major threat globally. This condition involves progressive destruction and regeneration of the parenchymal cells of the liver which results in formation of fibrosis. The continuous progression of this condition leads to the condition of Cirrhosis. In Ayurveda, Chronic Liver diseases are studied under Yakrit Vikara (Acharya Bhavamishra). In Ayurveda, Doshas are defined as natural energetic forces which are present in the human body. These are three in number i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The term Dushyas is used for Dhatu (body tissue) and malas (waste products). The dosha involved in these conditions are Pitta dominant Tridosha. The imbalance of Pitta dosha results in ama (endotoxins) formation and disturbs the normal functioning of the liver. Due to Pitta imbalance, Rasa and Rakta Dhatus are also affected. Vitiation of Rasa and Rakta dhatu makes another dhatus week. The vitiation of the above mentioned dosha and dushyas leads to formation of this condition.


  • Fruits like apples, pears, papaya, banana, amla, guava, avocado etc.
  • Vegetables like Bottled gourd, ridge gourd, spinach, turnip, fenugreek leaves, carrot, bitter gourd, coriander, mint leaves, round gourd etc.
  • Spices like fenugreek, cumin, fennel, coriander, black pepper etc.
  • Sprouts- green gram, kidney beans and horse gram
  • Lentils like yellow and green moong daal and orange lentils
  • Avoid milk and other milk-related products
  • Juices like pomegranate juice, aloe vera juice, bitter gourd juice, pumpkin juice, sugarcane juice etc.
  • The amount of liquid intake should be limited i.e. 1-1.5 litre per day
  • Consumption of Flaxseeds
  • Avoid alcohol consumption


  • Decoction made up of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
  • Licorice or Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra) tea
  • Consumption of turmeric (Curcuma longa) mixed milk
  • Consumption of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) juice


Early diagnosis of any condition which can damage the liver is very necessary. Chronic Liver condition is a long term condition which leads to the damage of the liver. So it is very necessary for early diagnosis and treatment of this condition. There are various herbs in Ayurveda which are very effective in the treatment of this condition. Many single herbs like Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa) etc are very effective in condition of chronic liver disease. Guduchi satva and Pippalyasava are also effective in the management of chronic liver disease. PAnchkarma for chronic liver disease can include Takra dhara (pouring of buttermilk on forehead) and many more.


In Allopathic medicine, a Liver transplant is the ultimate and last choice to treat Chronic Liver Disease. The Allopathic drugs that are used for Chronic Liver Disease have various side effects on the body. But in Ayurveda, there are various herbal formulations that are very useful in the management of Chronic Liver disease. The side effects of Ayurvedic formulations are nil. The medicines used are very specific and useful in their functions. All these Ayurvedic medicines help in the management of progression of symptoms of liver damage. Ayurvedic medicines are helpful in their proper function in specific conditions. Thus Liver transplant conditions can be avoided with Ayurvedic medicines which have nil side effects as compared to Allopathic medicines.


Planet Ayurveda manufactures herbal medicines by using herbs extracted from the natural sources of the environment. Planet Ayurveda offers herbal medicines in various forms like tablets, powders, capsules, syrups, oils, decoction and many more. Planet Ayurveda promotes Ayurveda by natural and efficient herbal collection as mentioned in the texts of Ayurveda. All the formulations are made after various tests and trials by experts of Planet Ayurveda. High-quality herbs are used in the formation of various formulations. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss one such formulation of Planet Ayurveda. The Liver Care Pack (double strength) from Planet Ayurveda is very effective in the treatment of chronic liver disease. This pack contains Indian Echinacea capsules, Yakrit Plihantak churna, Phyllanthus Niruri capsules, Liver Detox Formula, Arogyavardhini Vati, Yakrit Plihari Loha, Livo Plan Syrup etc. Let’s start in detail!


  1. Indian Echinacea
  2. Yakrit Plihantak Churna
  3. Phyllanthus Niruri
  4. Liver Detox Formula
  5. Arogyavardhini Vati
  6. Yakrit Plihari Loha
  7. Livo Plan Syrup
Chronic Liver Disease, Causes Of Chronic Liver Disease, Signs Of Chronic Liver Disease, Symptoms Of Chronic Liver Disease, Signs Of Liver Disease, Symptoms Of Liver Disease, Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver Disease, Herbal Remedies


1. Indian Echinacea Capsules

These capsules are the single herb formulation of Planet Ayurveda which contains Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata). Kalmegh contains a bitter taste and hot potency due to which it helps in balancing Kapha and Pitta dosha. It is a well-known liver stimulant. It helps in enhancing liver functions and supports hepatoprotective activities.

Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.

2. Yakrit Plihantak Churna

This is a polyherbal formulation which contains Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) and many more. This churna is very useful in patients with chronic liver disease as it helps in relieving jaundice and any infection and removes toxins from the liver. It helps in managing liver damage and fatty liver conditions which are causes of chronic liver disease.

Dosage: Boil 1 teaspoonful of this churna in 400 ml of water and boil until it remains 50 ml. Take it twice daily.

3. Phyllanthus Niruri

This is a single herb formulation which contains Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) as its ingredient. It acts as the best liver cleanse. It promotes liver rejuvenation power. It helps in detoxification of the liver. It improves the overall health of the liver.

Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily with warm water after meals.

4. Liver Detox Formula

This is a polyherbal formulation which contains Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Makoy (Solanum nigrum) and many more. It helps in removing toxins from the body. For liver cleansing, this formulation is best. It helps in maintaining the normal level of hormones in the liver. It also provides strength to the liver.

Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily with warm water after the meals.

5. Arogyavardhini Vati

This herbal formulation in the form of tablets contains ingredients like Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) and many more. It helps in removing harmful toxins and provides energy to the liver. It acts as a digestive stimulant and helps in balancing all three doshas. It contains antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

Dosage: 2 Tablets twice daily with warm water after the meals.

6. Yakrit Plihari Loha

This formulation contains Haridra (Curcuma longa), Shilajatu (Asphaltum punjabianum), Shuddha Parada (purified mercury), Shurdha Jayapala (Croton tiglium) and many more. This formulation is very effective in balancing all three doshas and helps in relieving indigestion and bloating. It is used in almost all liver diseases.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with warm water after the meals.

7. Livo Plan Syrup

This polyherbal formulation is in the form of syrup which contains ingredients like Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Ghrit Kumari (Aloe barbadensis) and many more. This formulation is very helpful in the detoxification of the liver and eliminates the harmful toxins from the liver. It provides strength to the liver.

Dosage: 2 Teaspoons twice daily after meals.


Chronic Liver Disease a long term or chronic condition in which liver cells are damaged progressively with time. The progression of this disease can lead to development of various conditions like Cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver. There are a number of factors that are responsible for this condition. The treatment of chronic liver disease depends upon its underlying causes. This condition is very common these days. This condition can be managed if diagnosed and treated early. In Allopathy, liver transplant is the last option in chronic liver disease conditions. But, in Ayurveda, there are a number of formulations which are very effective in managing this condition. So, Ayurveda is the best choice to avoid liver transplant.

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